Why Participate in Today’s Women’s Strike by Social Movements Scholar Jen Schradie

Why you should participate in #ADayWithoutaWoman on #InternationalWomensDay today March 8.

art predator

“Caminante, no hay puentes, se hace puentes al andar,” writes Gloria Anzaldua.
This translates to “Voyager, there are no bridges, one builds them as one walks.”

Today, March 8, is International Women’s Day. There are gatherings, marches, protests, art shows, and other events around the world today to honor the contributions of women, including this installation of this brave girl facing the stock market bull on Wall Street in NYC.

Because of recent political events and actions by the current Republican administration, a call went out for a General Strike– a day to walk out on the job.

Women’s March organizers encourage us to take the day off and avoid spending money as part of “A Day Without a Woman,” to show the impact women have on the economy and society. Through walking out, as Anzaldua points out, we build bridges.

What should you do? Should you strike? How can…

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