John Twelve Hawks: “New surveillance states have placed us in an invisible prison”

John Twelve Hawks: “New surveillance states have placed us in an invisible prison”


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Surveillance States Place Us In Prison

information and links about the text that my Ventura College English 2 students will be writing about for their midterm on Wednesday

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“Humans can be manipulated to obey. As information and communications technology creates a surveillance state, I’m worried that fear of terrorism will create a system where police officers and soldiers will obey the computer-generated decisions that appear on their optical head-mounted displays,” writes John Twelve Hawks in his essay “New surveillance states have placed us in an invisible prison”

In “New surveillance states have placed us in an invisible prison,” John Twelve Hawks discusses Edward Snowden’s terrifying revelations about how the National Security Agency and Great Britain’s GCHQ use spy technology on all citizens and how various corporations monitor our activities as well in order to market more efficiently to us.


Edward Snowden’s story has been told effectively in the Oscar winning documentary CitizenFour (reviewed here; watch here.

“Anyone who steps back for a minute and observes our modern digital world might conclude that we have…

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5 Memoirs to Spring For: Anzaldua, Bag, Muzyka, Strayed, Rodriguez

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If you are looking for a few good books to read this spring, books where the authors are exploring issues of identity, crossing borders,  overcoming obstacles, and living living sin fronteras, and look no further than these:

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