Contract: Behavior for College Students

I’ve been having some behavioral problems this summer in my classes so, with a little help from friends, I developed a contract which I am having my students sign today in class. Below you’ll find an adaptation of that contract.

A Contract for English Students

Goethe: I have come to the frightening conclusion that I am the decisive element. It is my personal approach that creates the climate. It is my daily mood that makes the weather. I can humiliate or humor, hurt or heal. In all situations, it is my response that decides whether a crisis is escalated or de-escalated, and a person is humanized or de-humanized. I have read and considered Goethe’s statement.


I will complete my work in a timely fashion according to the syllabus so that I can be a participant in my own learning. I understand that all work assigned before the midterm was due at the midterm portfolio review along with my self-assessment progress report. 


I will not come to class under the influence of alcohol or drugs because______________



I will not use electronic devices during class. If I have a family emergency, I will inform the instructor who may choose to keep the device at her desk. If I am found using an electronic device, I understand I will be asked to leave, be marked absent, and not receive credit for that day’s work.


If I sleep during class, I understand I will be asked to leave, be marked absent, and not receive credit for that day’s work.


I will uphold the Ventura College Academic Honesty Policy as stated in the syllabus. I will cite all sources so that I do not present another’s work as my own (plagiarism).


NOTES: Student loan debt is bankruptcy proof.  If you’re wearing sunglasses in class, that’s an immediate out. If you leave class with someone else, don’t come back.

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